
Showing posts from February, 2020


Life's greatest work of art is ourselves... How we decide what kind of person we want to be... Our dreams and how hard we're willing to work to achieve them... The people we choose to have in our lives and how they help shape the person that we are... The art work that is our lives is never finished, it is ever changing and evolving... Even after we're gone the lives that we've touched carry a part of us in their hearts and we become a part of their work of art...xX -Michelle Soucy *Artwork entitled: Essence

A letter from God

I've been watching you. I know you've been struggling. I know you've seen better days but trust me, I'm working on you and everything you're going through is going to be your saving grace someday. I see you get up every morning with your head down. I hear you asking me to come and get you every night. It's not your time. You are being prepared for a life beyond your wildest imagination. This hard phase is merely a chapter in the wonderful life of Michelle Soucy. Trust me, I have your back and your best interest at heart at all times. I'm always there even on days where you don't feel me. Trust in the process. The best is yet to come. Love you, God


For the days where I'm just counting down the minutes until I can go back to bed... Days where I can barely control what goes on inside my head... Days where I wonder what I'm still doing here... Days where I can barely control my fear... Days where nothing seems to make sense anymore... Days were I'd rather hug the floor... Days where nobody understands me... Days where nobody's words could set me free... Days where I'm not so good at faking it anymore... Days where my whole life feels like a bore... Days where I don't find anymore meaning... Days where I don't have anymore feeling... Cheers to days like that...

My message

He're a link to a poem I wrote a while back, it's still just as true today... xX

My Serenity Prayer

May we all have the grace to love ourselves, the wisdom to know our worth and the courage to accept nothing less than we deserve...xX

On the other side of the spectrum

*Post from december 8th 2019 (Facebook)* How do we start a conversation that no one seems to want to have?... Hi, my name is Michelle Soucy and 7 years ago I was diagnosed with type 1 Bipolar Disorder… What does that mean exactly? I have a mood disorder that, if not under control, makes it so that I can’t function “normally” in my day to day life… Hyper mania is my downfall. Actually, I don’t fall, I fly… A bit too high, and all without the use of drugs or alcohol… When I ’m having an episode I don’t eat or sleep for weeks at a time because “I don’t need to”. I literally get high on life and the beauty that surrounds me. So much so that it gets very overwhelming and I can’t stop crying…That in turn makes it look like I’m in a depressive state, but in reality it's the complete opposite of how I’m feeling. After 7 years of being able to live my day to day life seemingly “normal” I had another episode. I’m not out of the woods yet, I’m on a temporary break from the hospita...

It's been a while...

I've gotten the urge to blog again so I thought I'd see if my old blog still existed. To my surprise, after 7+ years, it's still here. It has been interesting reading my old post and seeing how my writing style has evolved over the years, but I guess I should let you be the judge of that. I've decided to use this blog to express myself. Whether or not anyone reads it is out of my hands but I do hope that if anyone does come across my blog, they find what they're looking for in my words...xX