Authentic Self
There's been alot on my mind lately... I wish I could manifest someone to bounce ideas off of on a daily basis who would be open minded and non-judgmental. While writing that sentence I had a thought... Maybe I'm left to myself so that I can become more solid in my convictions without being tainted by somebody else's opinion? Nonetheless I'm excited for the day where I meet my tribe. It's lonely sometimes when I feel like I'm from another planet and the only person who genuinely understands me I have to pay to talk to (psychologist).
I regret not always showing up as my authentic self and watering down who I am just to be "politically correct" and to keep the peace. I'm working really hard on letting my true self shine regardless of other people's feelings and opinions. Let me tell you...It's a crippling feeling when one feels like they can't be themselves if they want to be accepted. I need to give myself permission to be myself unapologetically all the time. It's a difficult thing to know and accept that I will need to limit my time with certain people in order to sustain my light, energy and my mental health. I'll keep working on it...
Xx Infinite Love and Light xX
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