
In the world we live in today, Their's so much pressure to fit in and be accepted...But exactly how far are YOU willing to go?

Personnaly I'd rather be cool for who I am then be cool because Of what I "do".High school is the best example I could give you on that subject. Their's so much pressure to fit in and be like everyone else, alot of people lose track of who they are because they make themselves become who they think they should be.

Why Can't everyone accept people for who they are instead of judging them without even knowing them in the first place? If everyone was open minded to peoples diffrences then maybe some people wouldn't try so hard to fit in.I'd rather stand out then be like everyone else lol! Why would I want to be someone else when I could be me? Why would you?Think about it...

Remember that to be special and unique you only have to be yourself! If you want people to accept you, you have to begin by accepting yourself! :) xx


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