
Showing posts from September, 2021

Remember who you are...

We are all born intuitive... For some reason we forget about this fact and have to relearn it throughout our lives. The process of remembering who we are usually happens after the most difficult stages in our lives. After we question who we are on a deeper level... 9 years ago, I had what could be considered to be a spiritual awakening, but due to a lack of proper guidance and being heavily medicated (after being diagnosed with Bipolar disorder type 1) as a defense mechanism I blocked everything and went for several years feeling like I was living a lie... I had to learn to "play the game" so I wouldn't make any waves and upset people who weren't ready to hear what I had to say. Having visions, and getting really strong gut feelings has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember... granted I didn't talk about it. What I've noticed lately is that the more I talk about it the more doors it actually opens up... I'm finally starting to feel li...


 Hello there, These past few years I've been working really hard on myself to clear blockages and grow as a person. One area which I haven't quite cracked yet is romantic relationships. For a long time I kept thinking the person I was suppose to meet wasn't ready for me yet. But lately I came to a realization that maybe it's me who's not ready for them. That thought really humbled me and showed me that maybe there's still things I need to work on before I'm ready to meet someone. I'm truly content being single but I'm excited at the idea of meeting someone to grow and evolve with. Where we feed off each other and help each other see things from different perspectives. I'm ready for the full package: an emotional, spiritual, mental and physical connection. Xx Infinite Love & Light xX


Happy Tuesday everyone, I've decided that I would write my innermost thoughts here (even though no one sees it) with the hope that one day someone will find my blog and find my words comforting because they won't feel so alone anymore. I've had a great weekend with a friend I can be completely open and transparent with. It was very refreshing and humbling. I really needed to come back to myself and remember my convictions. In my everyday life, right now, I don't get to talk about the universe, angels, life and death, and all that fun, deeper stuff. I'm left with my thoughts most of the time, although I do write them down in my journal. It's pretty amazing to see how my thought process evolves with times. Looking back just one year ago, there's some things that I see in a completely different way. Stay tuned for more updates :) Xx Infinite Love & Light xX

Bipolar and Spirituality

Hello everyone, Being a spiritual person I'm constantly receiving downloads and messages from my guides/higher self/Angels whatever you want to call them. And I've been feeling the pull to write this for a while now and today just felt like the right time... At the risk of being judged and misunderstood, here goes... 9 years after being diagnosed this is how I'm processing Bipolar "Disorder"... For a long time I struggled with the title because I didn't want a label and I didn't think anything was wrong with me... It felt like I was being punished for being a hyper spiritual person. Truth is, to survive in this world I need to be medicated (at least for now) so that I stay grounded. I'm so spiritual that my physical body has a hard time staying grounded in this reality and that is where medication comes in. As of right now the only medication I'm on is Lithium which is salt which helps control my highs. When I'm in Mania, I don't eat and I ...