Bipolar and Spirituality

Hello everyone,

Being a spiritual person I'm constantly receiving downloads and messages from my guides/higher self/Angels whatever you want to call them. And I've been feeling the pull to write this for a while now and today just felt like the right time... At the risk of being judged and misunderstood, here goes...

9 years after being diagnosed this is how I'm processing Bipolar "Disorder"... For a long time I struggled with the title because I didn't want a label and I didn't think anything was wrong with me... It felt like I was being punished for being a hyper spiritual person. Truth is, to survive in this world I need to be medicated (at least for now) so that I stay grounded. I'm so spiritual that my physical body has a hard time staying grounded in this reality and that is where medication comes in. As of right now the only medication I'm on is Lithium which is salt which helps control my highs.

When I'm in Mania, I don't eat and I don't sleep for weeks at a time which is dangerous for my physical body. It is my belief that until I learn how to deal with the energies, medication is helping me to function "Normally".

I have to admit that I've had alot of personal/spiritual breakthroughs lately and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Take care everyone...xX



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